Staff & Org Chart
Samantha Chapman
Financial Reporting Specialist
phone: 681.313.2007
WVEDA Organization Chart
See the chart below for the hierarchy of the West Virginia Economic Development Authority organization.

WVEDA Organization Chart: Outline View
- Board of Directors
- Executive Director (reports to Board of Directors)
- WV Jobs Investment Trust Director (reports to Executive Director)
- Administrative Assistant (reports to WV Jobs Investment Trust Director)
- Investment Manager (reports to WV Jobs Investment Trust Director)
- Investment Analyst (reports to Investment Manager)
- Attorney (reports to Executive Director)
- Associate Director (reports to Executive Director)
- 2 Documentation Specialists (report to Associate Director)
- HR & Operations Manager (reports to Associate Director)
- 2 Accountants (report to Associate Director)
- 2 Financial Reporting Specialists (report to Associate Director)
- Administrative Assistant (reports to Associate Director)
- WV Jobs Investment Trust Director (reports to Executive Director)
- Senior Loan Officer (reports to Executive Director)
- 3 Loan Officers (report to Senior Loan Officer)
- Executive Director (reports to Board of Directors)